So, one thing I want to do is once a month feature an artist that I love or someone I think has made great improvement. I think this is as good a time as any to post the first artist. Her screen name is Kitt Mouri, from what I understand, she is called that every site she goes to so as not to confuse people. I asked her some questions. This is the first one I have done so the questions might improve as time goes by. Without further ado Kitt! :D
What's your age?: + 18 ;p
Place of Birth: New York
Male/Female?: Female
What is your first memory of art?: Drawing and painting in a large Academie sketchpad that my father used to buy for me when I was younger.
What is your favorite thing to draw? Beautiful things.
What is your earliest piece that you keep? Very old drawings of the characters in my series, "Eyes in the Dark".
What is the biggest influence to draw? Inspiration is the biggest influence on my art. Forces that have influenced me throughout the years include, Disney, Wendy Pini, and some anime.
Is your family a big part of your life? My family is my life.
3 Random facts about yourself: I don't like spiders, I get really cold, really easily, I the water, both drinking and in landscaping.
At least 3 pieces that you are most proud of: Umm...lemme see:
Hey there! Good luck with the resolution. It's worked for my blog so far, so I hope it will for yours, too. :)
ReplyDeleteSome technical things: The link to wour mobile blog doesn't work; I think you forgot to write the http:// in front of the url. It's needed for links between different domains.
Also, you only have one label there, although it looks like it's meant to be several, you probably need commas between the individual labels.