I love to Role-play or RP. It is a lot of fun. I used to run two rpgs (role-play games) and play in abour 2 or 3 others at the same time. I stopped joining games for a while when I was working on getting pregnant and dealing with life. I thought, I could do one or two while I was pregnant but I was so tired I never got around to it. I figured while I was taking care of Gabby, my daughter, I would join one and play but I never really had time. I have a character in an rp currently but she hasn't been played since a little after Gabby was 3 months old, when we got through the worst part of the first three months. It is very difficult to have a baby while in its first three months without help. Anyways, I don't know if I can play her anymore. I don't know if the person trusts me to play anymore. I have been focusing a lot of energy into my own Gargoyles rpg. I have a character named Meristide, she is the red gargoyle from the last post, she is the leader of a clan from New York... the idea is she takes half of Goliath's clan as he keeps getting more and more gargoyles showing up asking to be part of his family. So, she takes them to The West Coast as I live out here and I know the layout of towns out here. She takes them to San Francisco to be precise. I think it is a great idea dn I am trying to set it up right now. To make the first post though, I need to get the history typed out and I had time this last weekend, but as the title says, I have a sick baby.
I only had last night to sleep and do all the work on the house before we had someone come out to do some work on the house. Gabby has been sick for a week now. Last Monday night I took off from work to take care of my crying sick baby. She has a cold that seemed to get worse Saturday night when she got a fever. I was so sad, a srapped knee I can be calm and do something, she cuts herself, I can handle it. If she gets sick like this, there is nothing I can do but hold her and let her cry or pass out or throw up on me from crying to much or because her stomach hurts. I always want to take it out and destroy the cold virus. All I can do is wait it out. I feel helpless. Well, that is the reason I am late with this entry. I hope that next week she is gonna be better and I can show you all the pictures I have been working on for the rp and I hope to report when I start the rp.
I will talk to you all soon. :D
Shade and Sweet Water!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Sunday, January 17, 2010
My Main Characters
I draw my insperation from different places, the wind at the beach, the laughter of my 1 year old daughter, the light hitting my face as I look out the window and even media. I have many different stories but I tend to nurture three characters in particular. The first was based on the Disney television cartoon, Gargoyles. Her name is Meristide - she is a red Gargoyle/elf. I thought it would make things interesting to make her look like she was a demon when she would be one of the gentler gargoyles anyone would ever meet. I took a whole year off from doing all other art and stories (which is an extremely difficult thing to do) to draw/write everything Meristide so I would know her in and out. I do. She is a healer, a mother, a warrior when she is pushed and her blue eyes are always sad, she is an old soul and just wants to rest.
I wanted to show the weight of her burden and how tired she really is.
This was just practice.
She may be tired, but she is strong and I wanted to show that strength she has... it is quiet but there when she needs it.
I like Meristide and her mate Utah and I hadn't drawn him for a while but whenever I draw him, I have to draw her too... it never feels right.
I know I started this entry saying I have three main characters and here there are 5? Well, that is easy enough to explain. lol. I started to draw my main three and my character Pixie, the one in the red hair, she creeped in, as she is based on me the closest and then I had to add another to even the top part of the page out. I put in Lexa, she is my character from a comic called Goddess Behind the Counter
The second is Dreamweaver, she is based off the Elfquest world. I love her so much. I only have one other blonde character, I thought it was unique when people around me and me included, were making characters with brown hair and dark eyes. I also thought that healing was a power that is too easy a power to have but she was too gentle to have anything else. She has a power that has to do with healing mentally, she cannot heal physically. I thought it was a neat restriction... it makes her have to learn how to do many things by hand traditionally.
Here are a few of Dreamweaver's pictures -
This one was done in my abstract style. I will showcase this style next week, but it is a great way to use shapes to make a picture than traditional lines. :D
This was a quick drawing of Dreamweaver, I had some fun drawing this one. I like that she is playing with one of her braids... I like to do that. I think showing characters doing quirky things like everyone else does makes them look natural.
This was to show key peices in her life. There are more, but not that would fit.
This is Dreamweaver laying in the grass. I like the day dream look in her eyes.
Finally there is Meristide Sadique. She was created hastily as a role playing character years ago that evolved into something more than I could control. She was just an elf version of the gargoyle Meristide and she had a maiden name, Mourningstar. She was just something I threw together that made me want to write about her more and more. She had a family who hated her and tried to kill her. She accused them of the deed and they were thrown into prison and after that she left home and took the family money to try to escape the memory. She settled down and learned magic and fell in love. The guy she fell in love with gave her wings as it was her dream to fly. She found out after getting pregnant with his baby, he wasn't what he said and left him. She discovered later she would have twins. She married hastily and stumbled into her soul mate. They were happy for many years, he raised the twins as if they were his, but her husband comitted suicide in their bath house. She ran her own tavern with him for years and she went a little crazy for a bit but got herself back to normal and works herself hard so she doesn't have to try to think about her late husband or worry about getting too close to someone ever again. I am in the process of writing a webcomic with her as the main character, it is going to be called "The Drunken Bunny Inn"
Here are some pictures of Meristide Sadique -
This was just after her husband died.
This is her looking into a well. Yup, that is what she is leaning on and yes, I know it looks wrong, I probably won't fix it, but I know how to next time I draw something like this.
This is an attempt at a teaser picture for the comic. I love how it came out, it made me really want to make a comic with her and I am... yay! :D
So, now this week's entry ends. I have more things I wanna tell you about but I am ready for bed so it will have to wait until later. Take care and talk to you soon!
Shade and Sweet Water!
The second is Dreamweaver, she is based off the Elfquest world. I love her so much. I only have one other blonde character, I thought it was unique when people around me and me included, were making characters with brown hair and dark eyes. I also thought that healing was a power that is too easy a power to have but she was too gentle to have anything else. She has a power that has to do with healing mentally, she cannot heal physically. I thought it was a neat restriction... it makes her have to learn how to do many things by hand traditionally.
Here are a few of Dreamweaver's pictures -
Finally there is Meristide Sadique. She was created hastily as a role playing character years ago that evolved into something more than I could control. She was just an elf version of the gargoyle Meristide and she had a maiden name, Mourningstar. She was just something I threw together that made me want to write about her more and more. She had a family who hated her and tried to kill her. She accused them of the deed and they were thrown into prison and after that she left home and took the family money to try to escape the memory. She settled down and learned magic and fell in love. The guy she fell in love with gave her wings as it was her dream to fly. She found out after getting pregnant with his baby, he wasn't what he said and left him. She discovered later she would have twins. She married hastily and stumbled into her soul mate. They were happy for many years, he raised the twins as if they were his, but her husband comitted suicide in their bath house. She ran her own tavern with him for years and she went a little crazy for a bit but got herself back to normal and works herself hard so she doesn't have to try to think about her late husband or worry about getting too close to someone ever again. I am in the process of writing a webcomic with her as the main character, it is going to be called "The Drunken Bunny Inn"
Here are some pictures of Meristide Sadique -
So, now this week's entry ends. I have more things I wanna tell you about but I am ready for bed so it will have to wait until later. Take care and talk to you soon!
Shade and Sweet Water!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Hello again! I am proud of myself. I have been announcing everywhere that I will be updating this blog every week, so far, I am a day early, but I think the usual day I will be updating is Sunday. Please visit here often incase I update a second or third time in the week. I also have a mobile blog that I will update sometimes if I am on my phone and something really cool happens! :D - That blog is - My Mobile Blog
So, one thing I want to do is once a month feature an artist that I love or someone I think has made great improvement. I think this is as good a time as any to post the first artist. Her screen name is Kitt Mouri, from what I understand, she is called that every site she goes to so as not to confuse people. I asked her some questions. This is the first one I have done so the questions might improve as time goes by. Without further ado Kitt! :D
What's your age?: + 18 ;p
Place of Birth: New York
Male/Female?: Female
What is your first memory of art?: Drawing and painting in a large Academie sketchpad that my father used to buy for me when I was younger.
What is your favorite thing to draw? Beautiful things.
What is your earliest piece that you keep? Very old drawings of the characters in my series, "Eyes in the Dark".
What is the biggest influence to draw? Inspiration is the biggest influence on my art. Forces that have influenced me throughout the years include, Disney, Wendy Pini, and some anime.
Is your family a big part of your life? My family is my life.
3 Random facts about yourself: I don't like spiders, I get really cold, really easily, I the water, both drinking and in landscaping.
At least 3 pieces that you are most proud of: Umm...lemme see:

So, one thing I want to do is once a month feature an artist that I love or someone I think has made great improvement. I think this is as good a time as any to post the first artist. Her screen name is Kitt Mouri, from what I understand, she is called that every site she goes to so as not to confuse people. I asked her some questions. This is the first one I have done so the questions might improve as time goes by. Without further ado Kitt! :D
What's your age?: + 18 ;p
Place of Birth: New York
Male/Female?: Female
What is your first memory of art?: Drawing and painting in a large Academie sketchpad that my father used to buy for me when I was younger.
What is your favorite thing to draw? Beautiful things.
What is your earliest piece that you keep? Very old drawings of the characters in my series, "Eyes in the Dark".
What is the biggest influence to draw? Inspiration is the biggest influence on my art. Forces that have influenced me throughout the years include, Disney, Wendy Pini, and some anime.
Is your family a big part of your life? My family is my life.
3 Random facts about yourself: I don't like spiders, I get really cold, really easily, I the water, both drinking and in landscaping.
At least 3 pieces that you are most proud of: Umm...lemme see:
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Hello, to those who read this. My name is Caroline Jean Meier... most of everyone call me CJ. I have been drawing since I was a little kid and I am going to use this space to talk about my life as an artist. I love movies, books, comic books, and spending time with my family. My family includes my friends as well as my husband and my daughter and the people I was born to and was raised with.
I was born 31 years ago (1978) and I was born with bright red hair that faded into auburn hair and now I have brown that I like to color red... one day I shall achieve TRUE red. I was born to my parents in Plattsburg, NY. My older sister was just a year old, after that, a year and a half later my little sister was born and 2 years later, my little brother was born, those two were born in California. I think my first memory (besides abstract feelings and shapes) was the first time I saw my older sister drawing, the first thing I thought. "Wow... she can draw? I wanna draw just like her," because I idolized her. She was so amazing to me. I slept at the foot of her bed and did everything she did. She inspired me to draw and as I grew older I found comics. I loved them all, all the pictures and stories... people were able to draw the stories, that was amazing to me. The first comic I read more than one of was Elfquest. It was amazing, bold and though it was in black and white, my Auntie Helen owned several of the graphic novels and I lost myself so many weekends to those books. I was determined to write a comic one day, Wendy Pini drew and wrote her own comic... why not me?
I would like to think I could draw a comic now, but there are so many things to learn. I read an article from an artist once who made the conscious decision to make each panel different from the rest each of his comics, I thought that maybe I could do that. I tried that out and it helps the story immensely. It makes me think of different shapes and how I want the story to progress. I am constantly inspired by the world around me, the books, comics, television shows and movies that are coming out all around me every day.
I am going to write about everything that inspires me, the challenges that life throws at me, and I will show you all my art as I do this.
I am calling myself the Midnight Artist because I work on the graveyard shift and I tend to do most of my creating there. I hope you all will join me on this trip, I plan to update this blog every week, maybe twice a week if I can.
I was born 31 years ago (1978) and I was born with bright red hair that faded into auburn hair and now I have brown that I like to color red... one day I shall achieve TRUE red. I was born to my parents in Plattsburg, NY. My older sister was just a year old, after that, a year and a half later my little sister was born and 2 years later, my little brother was born, those two were born in California. I think my first memory (besides abstract feelings and shapes) was the first time I saw my older sister drawing, the first thing I thought. "Wow... she can draw? I wanna draw just like her," because I idolized her. She was so amazing to me. I slept at the foot of her bed and did everything she did. She inspired me to draw and as I grew older I found comics. I loved them all, all the pictures and stories... people were able to draw the stories, that was amazing to me. The first comic I read more than one of was Elfquest. It was amazing, bold and though it was in black and white, my Auntie Helen owned several of the graphic novels and I lost myself so many weekends to those books. I was determined to write a comic one day, Wendy Pini drew and wrote her own comic... why not me?
I would like to think I could draw a comic now, but there are so many things to learn. I read an article from an artist once who made the conscious decision to make each panel different from the rest each of his comics, I thought that maybe I could do that. I tried that out and it helps the story immensely. It makes me think of different shapes and how I want the story to progress. I am constantly inspired by the world around me, the books, comics, television shows and movies that are coming out all around me every day.
I am going to write about everything that inspires me, the challenges that life throws at me, and I will show you all my art as I do this.
I am calling myself the Midnight Artist because I work on the graveyard shift and I tend to do most of my creating there. I hope you all will join me on this trip, I plan to update this blog every week, maybe twice a week if I can.
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