I have started a challenge for myself. I am going to do a sketch or drawing a day for a week, scan them into the computer at the end of the week and you will see how many times I can get something done. I need to work on my comic, "Contact Seperation" Perhaps I will do some of those pages and post them here as a teaser. I am doing it for an old school Elfquest group called, "Ocean's Edge". They are a really fun group. They are all excited about the comic still. I promised them this comic. In my head, I thought it would only take 3 or 4 issues... but I worked out the story on paper and it is going to take me 10 issues to finish it... I am on the 4th issue right now. I never sent them issue 3... so, it is going to be odd... but, I am getting to the part in the story I like the best, so if I can just focus, I can get it finished in no time! :D
I know this post was short, but I will talk to you next week and you will hopefully see 7 sketches. :D
Shade and Sweet Water! :D
Monday, April 12, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
Long over due
This entry is going to be a bit long, sorry for that. Last month, I went to L.A. to visit friends and when I got back, I planned on posting an entry in a few days. I was doing ok for the first day, that night, I went into work and got a fever and got super sick over the next few days. I felt a bit better 2 days later, went back to work and when I woke up the next afternoon, I called my doctor, an advice nurse told me to go to the Emergency Room as it sounded like things were not getting better. I went and I spent about 12 hours in there. I found out, I have a sinus infection, an ear infection and bronchidas. They gave me antibiotics for my infections and pain killers. I spent the next week, sleeping and going in for work. I was exsausted. The next week, I have been spending catching up on all the things I put aside and the last week, I just found another excuse to not post here in this blog. I am so very sorry.
On a posative note, I am gonna post the interview with Lydia. She is a great artist. She is creator of a comic series called, "Search for the Truth". It is based on the BBC show called, "Doctor Who". I am a huge fan of both. :D

1) Name - Lydia Butz
2) Age - 19 years, 2 months and 25 days.
3) Favorite color?
Reds. Warm colours. Generally.
4) First memory of inspiration?
When I was about six or seven, I made my own album. All the tracks were made up on the spot and included such hits as 'Do the Strawberry' and 'Pineapple on My Head'. Apparently when grasping for ideas I immediately go for fruit. Anyway, my mum got in on it and we made an album cover and everything in Photoshop, which was a big deal in 1996. I really loved it and it was the first time I felt that creative and inspired.
5) How close are you to your family?
Very. On my mum's side anyway. I get on a little too well with my mum, and her two sisters and their families. I get on swimmingly with my older brother Ben too. It's my dad's side that I never see or talk to, as they live on the other side of the country and I don't exactly get on with my father. Despite our SEVERE differences though, I would still consider myself to be close with my dad. Sort of. I guess. Does that make sense?
6) What inspires you?
Um... Good stories.
7) I know you have a comic, "Search for the Truth", do you have other projects?
Yes I do! I like working on my Space Whale story and my Octogod pantheon. My brother and I also come up with comics related to movies and in-jokes, but I never get around to making them, much to his frustration.
8) If you could make money doing anything in the world, what would you do?
Be David Tennant's PA. It's the perfect job! I love paperwork, sorting things, David Tennant, fetching coffee... you name it! Well, actually David would be the one naming things. As he would be my boss.
9) Do you like music?
I ADORE music. Don't get me started, please. We'd be here all week.
(Velvet Underground FTW)
10) What kind of television shows do you like?
British television! TV is sort of my hobby, so it'd be hard to list all the shows I like. I love Comedies, like Black Books, Peep Show, Vicar of Dibley, Spaced and the IT Crowd, and fun Sci-Fi stuff like Doctor Who, Being Human, Supernatural, Firefly and Buffy. Oh, and panel shows. I love panel shows.
11) What kind of movies do you like?
Clever, lovely comedies and clever, lovely dramas. My two favourite movies are Withnail & I and American Beauty, if that gives you an idea.
12) I am aware of you liking Doctor Who, what other British tv shows do you like?
Well, I think I named them all above... WAIT! LIFE ON MARS. I forgot Life on Mars.
13) To clarrify this question for the readers, 'Your Doctor' is defined as the doctor you started watching the series, 'Doctor Who', with. Who is your Doctor?
Christopher Eccleston. I still miss him sometimes... *sigh*
14) Does your favorite Doctor differ from 'Your Doctor'?
Yep. Eccleston comes in second behind a tied Tennant and Tom Baker. Trailing in tied third are Pertwee and Troughton.
15) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Cardiff, Wales. I could hang around the Plass as much as I wanted and take the train to London to see a play every once and a while. I'd love that. Plus, there'd be the opportunity to work for the BBC.
16) If you could go visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now I'd love to go to Scotland, or Ireland. Or Slovakia, where half my family's from and I really should visit just for educational and genealogical purposes.
17) Is there anyone special in your life?
Nope. If by special you mean boyfriend. I hardly think I'm mature enough, but it'd be nice.
18) Tennant or Eccleston?
Bwah... Um, Tennant. They're equally as charming but I think Tennant's bum is the tie breaker.
19) Who got you started watching Doctor Who? Who do we have to thank for your fandom?
Er, no one actually! I caught 'Rose' on TV one day by pure and random chance and I was absolutely hooked. I knew nothing of Doctor Who for the whole first season. I'd honestly never even heard of the show. Ever. My mind was severely blown when Eccleston regenerated. I never saw that coming for a second.
But then the CBC were stupid and showed The Christmas Invasion at a WEIRD time and I never even knew it existed until I was well finished the second series. It really cleared things up a lot. Thanks CBC. o_o
20) (I need links to three of your favorite pieces) What three (3) pieces are your favorite?
UM. TOUGH ONE. I'm just going to pick the ones that I'm the most proud of.
On a posative note, I am gonna post the interview with Lydia. She is a great artist. She is creator of a comic series called, "Search for the Truth". It is based on the BBC show called, "Doctor Who". I am a huge fan of both. :D
1) Name - Lydia Butz
2) Age - 19 years, 2 months and 25 days.
3) Favorite color?
Reds. Warm colours. Generally.
4) First memory of inspiration?
When I was about six or seven, I made my own album. All the tracks were made up on the spot and included such hits as 'Do the Strawberry' and 'Pineapple on My Head'. Apparently when grasping for ideas I immediately go for fruit. Anyway, my mum got in on it and we made an album cover and everything in Photoshop, which was a big deal in 1996. I really loved it and it was the first time I felt that creative and inspired.
5) How close are you to your family?
Very. On my mum's side anyway. I get on a little too well with my mum, and her two sisters and their families. I get on swimmingly with my older brother Ben too. It's my dad's side that I never see or talk to, as they live on the other side of the country and I don't exactly get on with my father. Despite our SEVERE differences though, I would still consider myself to be close with my dad. Sort of. I guess. Does that make sense?
6) What inspires you?
Um... Good stories.
7) I know you have a comic, "Search for the Truth", do you have other projects?
Yes I do! I like working on my Space Whale story and my Octogod pantheon. My brother and I also come up with comics related to movies and in-jokes, but I never get around to making them, much to his frustration.
8) If you could make money doing anything in the world, what would you do?
Be David Tennant's PA. It's the perfect job! I love paperwork, sorting things, David Tennant, fetching coffee... you name it! Well, actually David would be the one naming things. As he would be my boss.
9) Do you like music?
I ADORE music. Don't get me started, please. We'd be here all week.
(Velvet Underground FTW)
10) What kind of television shows do you like?
British television! TV is sort of my hobby, so it'd be hard to list all the shows I like. I love Comedies, like Black Books, Peep Show, Vicar of Dibley, Spaced and the IT Crowd, and fun Sci-Fi stuff like Doctor Who, Being Human, Supernatural, Firefly and Buffy. Oh, and panel shows. I love panel shows.
11) What kind of movies do you like?
Clever, lovely comedies and clever, lovely dramas. My two favourite movies are Withnail & I and American Beauty, if that gives you an idea.
12) I am aware of you liking Doctor Who, what other British tv shows do you like?
Well, I think I named them all above... WAIT! LIFE ON MARS. I forgot Life on Mars.
13) To clarrify this question for the readers, 'Your Doctor' is defined as the doctor you started watching the series, 'Doctor Who', with. Who is your Doctor?
Christopher Eccleston. I still miss him sometimes... *sigh*
14) Does your favorite Doctor differ from 'Your Doctor'?
Yep. Eccleston comes in second behind a tied Tennant and Tom Baker. Trailing in tied third are Pertwee and Troughton.
15) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Cardiff, Wales. I could hang around the Plass as much as I wanted and take the train to London to see a play every once and a while. I'd love that. Plus, there'd be the opportunity to work for the BBC.
16) If you could go visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
Right now I'd love to go to Scotland, or Ireland. Or Slovakia, where half my family's from and I really should visit just for educational and genealogical purposes.
17) Is there anyone special in your life?
Nope. If by special you mean boyfriend. I hardly think I'm mature enough, but it'd be nice.
18) Tennant or Eccleston?
Bwah... Um, Tennant. They're equally as charming but I think Tennant's bum is the tie breaker.
19) Who got you started watching Doctor Who? Who do we have to thank for your fandom?
Er, no one actually! I caught 'Rose' on TV one day by pure and random chance and I was absolutely hooked. I knew nothing of Doctor Who for the whole first season. I'd honestly never even heard of the show. Ever. My mind was severely blown when Eccleston regenerated. I never saw that coming for a second.
But then the CBC were stupid and showed The Christmas Invasion at a WEIRD time and I never even knew it existed until I was well finished the second series. It really cleared things up a lot. Thanks CBC. o_o
20) (I need links to three of your favorite pieces) What three (3) pieces are your favorite?
UM. TOUGH ONE. I'm just going to pick the ones that I'm the most proud of.
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