I realized I could have my cake and eat it too when it comes to having multiple web comics... I just need to draw a years worth of each, so 52 comics, but I also want to celebrate the holidays so when a comic lands on or near a holiday, I need to have those bonus comics or drawings done too... so I will have more than a years worth of comics. I am starting with my comic, Goddess Behind the Counter and then I will move onto a new comic called, The Drunken Bunny Inn, then I might do some comics for Pixie's World. The last comic is about my life through my eyes, but nothing ever seems to translate to the page, so I might not get many done or where I like it enough. But, I have other projects as well, like commissions... and a logo for a festival in June, it is local. When it gets closer to time, I will let you all know all the time about this place.
I have all week without my roommate... it is gonna be hard because I work the Graveyard shift, I have to stay up until 3pm and then sleep until 9pm and then go to work... it will be hard, but I think I am up to it... I am a mother now and I need to do this for my daughter. This is what I signed up for. hehehe.
I think I need to write a list and just go in order of all the things I need to do and check them off and say "no" to myself if the list gets too long. I do that to myself sometimes, I get a great idea and then before I know it, I am buried in things I want to do. I will post the list here to keep myself motivated to keep it reasonable. I will write it this week and try to make a post on Wedensday with the list.
OH! I met my new neice, Dana Alice Williams. She was born a few weeks ago and she is soooooo small. I was proud of my daughter for only regressing to an infant for a little while. I have heard that they can do that because of jealousy and what not, but after a minute or two of being held while I was holding little Dana, she decided it wasn't fun anymore and pushed herself down and played with whatever she wanted to. I was proud that she is smart enough to know if she goes back to that, she doesn't do the fun things like climbing on the couch, playing with her rocking horse or even trying to take off with our cell phones. I love that we are able to lock our phones.
Wow... it looks like I did a bit of the rambling thing I always end up doing. Well, I don't think I did a lot this week but work on my comic and I plan to do more and stay focused until it is finished.
Well, talk to you all this Wedensday! :D
Monday, February 22, 2010
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Interviewing Emiko
I have been doing well, I got a few commissions to get me through to this next paycheck, I am happy to say, I made it and I will be getting the art up here when I get it all finished.
At the beginning of the year, I said I would try to interview one artist a month... well, this is that time again. So, I am interviewing my very close friend, Emiko Cothran, tonight. She lives in Southern California and I have known her since I was in high school, she was a few years behind me and was in Jr. High. She has come a long way in her skills, she has always been talented, but she has done nothing but improve her art over and over again.
1) How old are you?
2) What do you do to pay the bills?
I work as an activities coordinator at an adult day health care center. I lead the seniors in activities designed to promote their health and mental facilities. Such as leading them in an exercise class or doing arts and crafts or brain and memory enhancing games.
3) What did you want to be when you grew up?
First, a child psychologist when I was a kid. Later, when I was a teen and young adult, I wanted to be an early elementary school teacher or a preschool teacher.
4) What medium(s) do you use?
I sculpt in fimo classic, I also paint in acrylics and draw in prisma colored pencils and inks. Sometimes I color in photoshop but I prefer to work on paper.
5) What is your first memory of your art?
I remember being in kindergarten and my mom and I were making a poster about what to do when there is a fire and her and I drew it together. She taught me that even men have eyelashes and I made my dad's eyelashes *HUGE*! It was hilarious! I used to make cartoons out of playdoh, my grandma used to save them in her borough. I must have drawn before that but I have no solid, clear memories of it. In playdoh I make snakes and eggs but that hardly counts.
6) What inspires you today?
I am most inspired by my characters, friends, family and experiences. I used to be inspired a lot by tv and books but haven't been obsessed with a tv show or book since Harry Potter. Which is too bad because I love the sort of high I get from it.
7) Do you have a close family?
Yes, I have a loving family. I mean we have our problems like everyone else, but I have never doubted that I was loved growing up.
8) How close are you all?
(see above)
9) Do you have any projects going on?
Yes, I am currently reborning dolls. I am also refurbishing old toys including one that is over 50 years old for a client at work.
10) If you had all the money in the world, what you would you do with your life?
I would buy a house (with a pool), I may quit my job to devote myself to raising a family. I would send my children to an expensive private school system called "Waldorf" which emphasises creativity and the five senses. I would travel and have adventures with my friends and family (like and Alaskan Cruise, a trip to the hot springs int he snow, go snorkeling in Hawaii, etc.) mostly I would not worry about money. I don't think I would change my like too much. I would not live in a mansion or drive a Lexus or wear fancy clothes. Mostly, I'd just like the life I have with more adventures and less stress.
below are a couple links to Emi's work. Thanks for reading. :D
Taden at the Castle
Three Generations
Demmy Passes Out (Animation)
At the beginning of the year, I said I would try to interview one artist a month... well, this is that time again. So, I am interviewing my very close friend, Emiko Cothran, tonight. She lives in Southern California and I have known her since I was in high school, she was a few years behind me and was in Jr. High. She has come a long way in her skills, she has always been talented, but she has done nothing but improve her art over and over again.
1) How old are you?
2) What do you do to pay the bills?
I work as an activities coordinator at an adult day health care center. I lead the seniors in activities designed to promote their health and mental facilities. Such as leading them in an exercise class or doing arts and crafts or brain and memory enhancing games.
3) What did you want to be when you grew up?
First, a child psychologist when I was a kid. Later, when I was a teen and young adult, I wanted to be an early elementary school teacher or a preschool teacher.
4) What medium(s) do you use?
I sculpt in fimo classic, I also paint in acrylics and draw in prisma colored pencils and inks. Sometimes I color in photoshop but I prefer to work on paper.
5) What is your first memory of your art?
I remember being in kindergarten and my mom and I were making a poster about what to do when there is a fire and her and I drew it together. She taught me that even men have eyelashes and I made my dad's eyelashes *HUGE*! It was hilarious! I used to make cartoons out of playdoh, my grandma used to save them in her borough. I must have drawn before that but I have no solid, clear memories of it. In playdoh I make snakes and eggs but that hardly counts.
6) What inspires you today?
I am most inspired by my characters, friends, family and experiences. I used to be inspired a lot by tv and books but haven't been obsessed with a tv show or book since Harry Potter. Which is too bad because I love the sort of high I get from it.
7) Do you have a close family?
Yes, I have a loving family. I mean we have our problems like everyone else, but I have never doubted that I was loved growing up.
8) How close are you all?
(see above)
9) Do you have any projects going on?
Yes, I am currently reborning dolls. I am also refurbishing old toys including one that is over 50 years old for a client at work.
10) If you had all the money in the world, what you would you do with your life?
I would buy a house (with a pool), I may quit my job to devote myself to raising a family. I would send my children to an expensive private school system called "Waldorf" which emphasises creativity and the five senses. I would travel and have adventures with my friends and family (like and Alaskan Cruise, a trip to the hot springs int he snow, go snorkeling in Hawaii, etc.) mostly I would not worry about money. I don't think I would change my like too much. I would not live in a mansion or drive a Lexus or wear fancy clothes. Mostly, I'd just like the life I have with more adventures and less stress.
below are a couple links to Emi's work. Thanks for reading. :D
Taden at the Castle
Three Generations
Demmy Passes Out (Animation)
Monday, February 8, 2010
After The Superbowl
I had fun watching the Superbowl, the commercials are always my favorite part, they didn't disappoint for the most part. I love how creative they all are. Budweiser were always the best, Doritos are the best this year. Budweiser's best two commercials were about a human bridge and a house made of Budweiser cans, not that immpressive. Dorito's had a commercial about how cruel it is to put an electric anti barking collar onto a dog... it comes upon a guy eating Dorito's notices the collar, and tells him to speak or he won't get any chips. The dog runs off, takes off his collar and puts it on the guy, he cries out and gets zapped and passes out while the dog eats all the chips, it was so funny. Then, there was the ad about the Dorito's Samarai... I love it! Then the Dorito's House Rules! A guy is dating a woman and her kid smacks the guy after he eats a Dorito and the kid says, "Keep your hands of my Momma! Keep your hands off my Dorito's!" that was TOO cute!
Later in the day, I went to finish a drawing for a friend and realized I didn't know where it was, I looked EVERYWHERE and couldn't find it. She needs it by this coming weekend. I have it ready to put into flash and finish it. It is a logo for her Festival and as soon as I get the logo together and the site gets up, I will pimp the hell out of it. It is going to be in Sacramento, CA in June... it is called The Midsummer Faerie Festival. I am so excited! :D
I am glad to be onto a new week and today after the break-in, I am getting a security system ASAP. So, I will post either Wedensday or Thursday. :D
Shade and Sweet Water.
Later in the day, I went to finish a drawing for a friend and realized I didn't know where it was, I looked EVERYWHERE and couldn't find it. She needs it by this coming weekend. I have it ready to put into flash and finish it. It is a logo for her Festival and as soon as I get the logo together and the site gets up, I will pimp the hell out of it. It is going to be in Sacramento, CA in June... it is called The Midsummer Faerie Festival. I am so excited! :D
I am glad to be onto a new week and today after the break-in, I am getting a security system ASAP. So, I will post either Wedensday or Thursday. :D
Shade and Sweet Water.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Please help me and my Family
I am having some major bad luck. I was having my backyard cleaned about 5 days ago and a rock was kicked up and broke one of my windows, then our pipes were messed while during repairs to some leaky pipes. We had to have a plumber come in on the weekend to replace the damaged pipes. But nothing prepared me for what happened next...
Yesterday between 3 and 4 pm we were robed. They went in through our laundry room and riffled through our computer room. They stole a top of the line computer monitor, they threw over my purse and stole my Nintendo DS and took the cash from my wallet, which was my entire paycheck... over $800 dollars. I am scared, mad and I feel I need to earn that money and I need to do it fast. I need to eat and get food and such for my baby.
I am hoping someone can help me, I am willing to do $5 commissions, I don't have a paypal account, but I do have an address that you can send money orders to, or gift cards (walmart would be helpful, that is where we shop). The picture would be a bust, here are some examples of my work. You can either do a character or yourself or a family member. I am going to charge $5 per character/person in the picture. Please please please help us. I am desperate and I am willing to draw for money. Please send me an email or reply in this thread if you are interested.
Thanks for everything! :D
Yesterday between 3 and 4 pm we were robed. They went in through our laundry room and riffled through our computer room. They stole a top of the line computer monitor, they threw over my purse and stole my Nintendo DS and took the cash from my wallet, which was my entire paycheck... over $800 dollars. I am scared, mad and I feel I need to earn that money and I need to do it fast. I need to eat and get food and such for my baby.
I am hoping someone can help me, I am willing to do $5 commissions, I don't have a paypal account, but I do have an address that you can send money orders to, or gift cards (walmart would be helpful, that is where we shop). The picture would be a bust, here are some examples of my work. You can either do a character or yourself or a family member. I am going to charge $5 per character/person in the picture. Please please please help us. I am desperate and I am willing to draw for money. Please send me an email or reply in this thread if you are interested.
Thanks for everything! :D
Monday, February 1, 2010
Work on the House
We have been having work done on the house and it has been chaos but it is coming to an end soon the work will be done. Life will return to normal and we will have WiFi. I am excited and giddy with the changes and repairs to the house that have been needed since we moved in. The repairs were done on some plumbing and some other things that are needed to move my brother-in-law in. John, my husband, is going to school to become a Chef. I am proud of him and try to support him the best I can.
Speaking of work on the house, I have been working on my art and I feel as though I am getting better but I am sticking to a trend of busts only. But, that won't last forever. I think I am taking a break from regular full body pieces. I will get more practice on the comic, Contact Seperation. Below are the few pieces that I have submitted to my Deviant Art Gallery, visit it if you want. :D
This is Meristide, she is the daughter of a chif of a gargoyle clan and an elf. She is the star of her own Role play game called "Stand Against The Stars", send me a comment or email if you are interested in playing. :D
This is Utah, Meristide's Mate.
This is Copper, she is the character of a friend. This was drawn as a birthday present for her. She is a character based on the Elfquest world. :D
I will post again on Thursday, I think posting twice a week will be better. I will talk about more things as I think of them... I plan to talk about everything that happens in the week, but I always forget a few things. *laughs*
I hope you see my post then! :D
Speaking of work on the house, I have been working on my art and I feel as though I am getting better but I am sticking to a trend of busts only. But, that won't last forever. I think I am taking a break from regular full body pieces. I will get more practice on the comic, Contact Seperation. Below are the few pieces that I have submitted to my Deviant Art Gallery, visit it if you want. :D
I will post again on Thursday, I think posting twice a week will be better. I will talk about more things as I think of them... I plan to talk about everything that happens in the week, but I always forget a few things. *laughs*
I hope you see my post then! :D
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